The burden of not being able to keep up with your financial obligations can be overwhelming. Calls to the office, home, family, and other communications demanding money exacerbate an already stressful situation. Aggressive debt collectors will not care what caused the problem or what you’re doing to remedy it; they make things worse.

It would be best if you did not have to put up with harassing phone calls and letters from debt collectors.

We protect your rights under the laws which regulate how collection agencies can conduct themselves. Suppose you are presently being harassed over your debts. In that case, Level One Law can assist you in putting an end to the situation.

In what ways does the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act protect you?

This federal legislation controls the activity of third-party debt collectors, who are often businesses that acquire an overdue bill from the original creditor, such as a credit card company. The rule applies to debt collectors that buy delinquent debts. By enacting this Law, legislators sought to safeguard customers from unscrupulous methods that are too widespread in the collection process.

The FDCPA protects consumers in numerous ways.

  • For example, collectors cannot pretend to be a professional or authorized person, such as a lawyer or a government official, by misrepresenting the legal ramifications of not paying.
  • Shady techniques like demanding post-dated cheques, collecting more money than you owe, or seizing property without a valid claim are prohibited.
  • They are required to confirm and demonstrate that you are responsible for the debt, and the first step in this process is to send you a validation letter. In addition, you can request further information by sending a verification letter.
  • When and how these debt collectors contact you are restricted. Any time before 8 a.m. or after 9 p.m., or in an inconvenient location, such as work
  • They also cannot tell anyone about your debt.
  • The use of obscene language and the threat or use of violence are prohibited.

As of late 2021, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has adopted new guidelines for the FDCPA to keep up with the times. Following the implementation of these new rules, we are ready to help you understand and use them to safeguard your rights.

Were Your Legal Rights Infringed?

Most Americans have had to cope with debt at some point or another. Those who had to deal with third-party creditors may have had a different experience, despite resolving most of these financial difficulties without incident.

When debt collectors call you, you do not have to feel helpless. Level One Law can educate you about your legal options so you can take control of the situation. When creditors engage with our clients, we enforce their compliance with the FDCPA.

Suppose a debt collector violates the FDCPA and your rights guaranteed by this legislation. In that case, they must pay you actual damages, statutory damages of up to $1,000, and your attorney’s costs.

Level One Law will fight to protect you, seek compensation where appropriate, and endeavor to help you get your financial life back on track. For a free evaluation of your case, be sure to contact us immediately.